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CSS Modules in Rails with Webpacker

CSS Modules?

CSS Modules lets you write CSS with predictable local scope.

This avoids the need for (eg) manually following a naming convention to prevent accidental conflicts.

Alright, how do I do it?

Install webpacker

First, your app will need the webpacker gem installed & configured (new rails apps come with it).

Add javascript_pack_tag and stylesheet_pack_tag to your layout per the webpacker setup instructions.

Setup CSS modules for webpack

There are two webpack implementations of CSS modules (css-loader and postcss-modules).

Webpacker uses postcss by default, so I’ve used postcss-modules (yarn add postcss-modules).

Having installed postcss-modules and autoprefier using yarn, lets configure webpacker to use them. My projects .postcssrc.yml looks like this:

  postcss-import: {}
  postcss-cssnext: {}
    generateScopedName: '[name]__[local]___[hash:base64:5]'
    modules: true

Add some CSS

Next, lets put some CSS where webpack will find it:

First, write your CSS in app/javascript/src/my-module.css.

Then, in app/javascript/packs/application.js, add import myModule from '../src/my-module.css'; (at the start)

After you load a page in development, or run rake assets:precompile, you should see a new file appear: app/javascript/src/my-module.css.json. This file describes how your CSS has been transformed.

Reference your CSS from rails views

I’ve written a helper to read these files.

In my project it’s at app/helpers/css_modules_helper.rb and contains the following code:

module CssModulesHelper

  mattr_accessor :cache
  self.cache ||= {}

  def cssmodule(path)
    cache = {}
    if Rails.application.config.action_controller.perform_caching
      # Avoid reloading CSS paths
      cache = CssmodulesHelper.cache

    return cache[path] if cache.include?(path)

    mod = JSON.parse( Rails.root.join('app', 'javascript', 'src', path + '.json').to_s)

    # Let people use dashes in CSS and underscores in ruby
    mod.keys.each { |k| mod[k.underscore] = mod[k] }

    os =

    def*args) do |arg|
        case arg
        when Hash
 {|k| arg[k]}.map {|k| public_send(k) }
          public_send arg
      end.compact.flatten.join(" ")

    cache[path] = os

    yield os


Finally, we can reference our CSS from a view:

<% cssmodule "my-module.css" do |css| %>
  <!-- Dashes are turned into underscores, so .my-box becomes my_box -->
    class="<%= css.my_box %>"
    a box

  <!-- The helper also offers multiple & conditional class names (like the classnames JS lib) -->
    class="<%= css.(:my_box, my_class: (Random.rand > 0.5)) %>"
    conditional class
<% end %>

You should see your styles applying now.


However you organize your deploy, your production app needs the JSON files to be available on the server (so the helper can read them).

The precise method you use to achieve this will vary according to your asset delivery configuration.

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